Additional Stories of Homelessness

22 year old Michael Pharoah unleashes a powerful biography on the plight of homelessness.  This collective story provides a pathway for our consciousness to be shaken and even awaken.  Will it provide possibilities to impact change?  Although “filmed” in Los Angeles, it could well have been filmed in your location or mine.  Homelessness is everywhere and it should, indeed, be everyone’s concern.  Is it yours?  What can and will you do?

Seven Gripping Photos Of Homeless Los Angelenos Will Change The Way You Look At A Stranger

When Homelessness Strikes Home…

Anyone of us can fall on hard times and even homelessness.  I’ve come razor thin close to the latter.  I’ve asked myself what I would have done. I’m now asking what will I do; What will you do? The following video is meant to help us understand this ever growing prevalence of our nation’s neighborhoods, towns, cities, and states.

Perhaps you’d consider volunteering or contributing to one or more Missions that selflessly address our too often forgotten population. At the end of the day, we all need hope.

Walking Affects Seniors’ Memories

While excercising regularly is good for maintaining heart health, keeping weight down, and toning muscles,  it  is also said to be exercising more than our bodies.  A new report written by ABC News says that senior citizens who exercise regularly may be warding off the potential for Alzhheimers disease.  According to the article, “the study, led by Dr. Kirk Erickson of the University of Pittsburgh, followed 120 sedentary or inactive older adults (over age 65) for 12 months as they began one of two programs prescribed by the researchers: either a moderate-intensity walking regimen or a stretching/toning program. Only those in the walking program showed improved memory and an increase in the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory and other intellectual functions.”

Researchers believe this goes on to show that the brain continues to develop and grow no matter how old you are. Two other studies, one done by Japanese researchers and another by Canadians, showcased similar results.  In all three studies, the groups that exercised showed improvement in memory and some other brain functions in one year.

*Reposted from Ashworth College’s Nutrition- Fitness-Exercise Group 

Ann Curry Released From Today?

Based on widespread reports that Ann Curry acknowledges hurt feelings over negative criticism and her subsequent release from The Today Show, I’d like to offer the following:

If I could sit and chat with you over tea, coffee, or YOUR drink of choice, I’d tell you that you are a great woman, first and foremost, a great journalist (or, you wouldn’t have landed the spot…. Think About It…), and although I don’t know firsthand, it appears that you would be a great friend.  You certainly seem to be a great co-host to Matt.  The challenge is for you to know and believe that you are ALL of these and then some!

No matter what you pursue for your next endeavor, I wish you the very best of the best!  Perhaps you might start with a full day at the spa with all of the trimmings, including that favorite drink, treating Ann.  It’s bound to give you better perspective.

“It’s hard not to take it personally. You worry, Am I not good enough? Am I not what people need? Am I asking the right questions? When people say negative things or speculate, you can’t help but feel hurt. I know NBC pays my salary but I have never doubted who I work for. I think about the people who watch. They’re the ones who matter to me. I want to feel I haven’t dropped the ball when it comes to them.”

Thank you, Ann Curry, for all you brought to each Today that you informed, educated, and even entertained us.  Your effervescence is already soarly missed!

What in the World is a Phthalate and Why Should You Care?

Today’s HealthDay reports that there are significant links between Phthalates, used in many of our personal care products, and Diabetes Type II.  Listen to the findings given by Michael Schade, PVC Campaign Coordinator with The Center for Health, Environment, and Justice.

We have alternatives that are healthy and safe!  Many can be made from ingredients that are found right in your kitchen cabinets.  Contact me for recipes by leaving a comment with your request.

Where in your home are harmful chemicals found?